Did you know that 33% of all food produced is lost or wasted?
This represents 1.3 billion tons every year, enough to feed 10 times the population of the US (UNFAO), but also has an annual cost of 1.2 Trillion USD.
Tackling food waste has been identified as the 3rd most promising solution to address climate change (Project Drawdown) and is called the $700 billion opportunity (Boston Consulting Group 2018).

LightBlue reconciles sustainability with business excellence, capitalizing on our unique 8 years of practical expertise in the field of Food Waste Prevention, and 12 years in sustainability performance.
We highlight the business case of preventing food waste, building a performance-based strategy integrating key departments and leveraging new metrics that impact your bottom line.
We guide, train and accompany organizations in integrating circular business models to move towards zero food waste to landfill and low carbon operations.
We support the Sustainable Development Goals

As a food waste prevention enterprise tackling SDGs 2, 12 and 13, we reinvest a majority of our profits to achieve sustainability, grow our reach and ensure the fulfillment of our mission.
Special Projects
Mindful Foodies
Our Solutions
Our goal is to achieve Zero Food Waste to Landfill by combining a human-centered approach with the right tech. We design and implement solutions to prevent food waste, cut operational expenses, increase employees’ efficiency and loyalty, and to improve the reputation of organizations operating more responsibly.

As Technical Sustainability Partner, we helped Michelin Guide Thailand run the 1st ever Zero Food Waste to Landfill Michelin Star Revelation 2020 Event.
As partner to the Thai Government Agency TCEB, we have designed and implemented an innovative and greatly subsidized Food Waste Prevention Program for hotels since 2016.

Food Waste Prevention Program
Special Projects

Availability of FIT for Food Banks during COVID-19
We offer our Tech (FIT) to Food Banks in tracking food waste along the supply chain during COVID-19.
LightBlue provides Consulting and
Technical Implementation to ensure that the event comply the criteria.